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amo gatinhos
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Server Owner, Gamer, Painter & Abstract Expressionist Artist. Visit my page here:
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Salut , simplement moi je suis le genre de fille qu'on "adore". J'adore les jeux comme Apex , Valorant , Overwatch , Minecraft et j'en passe. Mes DM sont ouvert , je répond a la seconde donc oklm et j'ai toujours un humour qui fait rire que moi.
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future cartoonist + future video game art designer vocaloid addiction
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ich bin "Scintillate" oder auch bekannt als "Shini" - ein Deutscher Community Inhaber, Designer und Developer.
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The Fools#2455

THE FOOLS is a new Blockchain Startup which aims to enter the world of digital collectibles. With a max supply of 5,000 randomly generated NFTs, full of totally different properties for each of them. Our group is composed of proven professionals in the IT sector who strongly believe in the use of Blockchain in the world as a DECENTRALIZED,UNSTOPPABLE,INCENSURABLE system. In this first stage of our birth, our goals are to release our first collections, but looking more over the long period we want to crea
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Hey je suis un mec normal
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☂️ 2D|3D Artist
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No Description
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@[Stariix]'ˢ ᵇᶦᵒ ʚĭɞೃ ✩ Call me Riix for short!, They/Them! ✩ Drawing, Singing, Gaming, Editing are my hobbies! ꒰꒰  ❛ ❏ goodbye ¡!~ ⌒⌒ ⇘ : : @[Starrix] has logged out . .
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👋 ・Je me présente je suis "frenchcapybara", alias Le Capybara Français. 🎨・Depuis peu, je me suis lancé dans le domaine du "designing" (création de logo, bannière, etc...), et franchement je trouve ça très sympathique, c'est pour ça que je vends mes services dans ce domaine, si vous êtes intéressé il suffit de me contacter par message privé (je n'accepte que les Robux) 🎾・Sinon, je suis un petit amateur de tennis. (Stephanos Tsitsipas ❤️) ⚽️・J'aime aussi le football, et mon club de cœur est la Juventus.
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Nguyen Hoang Minh Khang#8692

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I do art and I like cool dogs, i love horror, memes and toe pics :)
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Hello, I'm Ahnel aka MrTak, and I have a love for design and creating art. I specialize in Anime, but i have a passion for the creative process for basically anything I can delve into. If you're viewing this profile, chances are you probably thought of commissioning me, which if so, go ahead and friend me and lets build a great business relationship!
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sunken life since 2019, i rarely play games now, since i have hobbies and feel lazy. I do eat bananas to be healthy
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.ᘛ♰ᘚ. Welcome to hell, my love. .ᘛ♰ᘚ. DID System of 80+ .ᘛ♰ᘚ. Join the fall of this lifetime .ᘛ♰ᘚ.
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I love making chocholate pancakes is your place for Everything Discord

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