150 times
Server set-up
7 Main roles
1st Wizard King
Elf Kingdom
Bots I use for functionalities:
Yagpdb for:
Welcoming- different welcome messages set up, each specifying which kingdom the person belongs to keep it random.
ROle Reaction- After said kingdom is specified I use Yag's role reaction so they can assign their given kingdom themselves.
Twitch notifications.
I use arcane premium but the normal one does exactly the same:
Levelling: Arcane is an awesome levelling bot, so I use it to assign non stacked roles to each level achieved, with levels 1-150, all level roles are specified with the levels as well for easy setup.
StatBot is used to keeps stats of the server, things like who was the 4th person to join you know.. just fun stats.
ticket bot is used for ticketing and support, it makes it easy for people to get changes on the server they might want to see and easy to manage it all.
Zero two was added for roleplay, fun, laughs, games and more.
Groovy was added for music, but you can use any bot you prefer for this.